Christine Hudek, AIF®

Senior Manager

As a Senior Manager of the Marketing Team, Christine's primary role revolves around bolstering Innovest's marketing endeavors and overseeing the team's multifaceted processes and deliverables. This entails crafting and assessing proposals, scrutinizing presentations, orchestrating public relations efforts, aiding business development initiatives, and ensuring the maintenance of the CRM system.

Additionally, Christine has been chosen as an Innovest Culture Leader, entrusted with guiding a select team of employees to cultivate the personal traits integral to Innovest's stewardship culture. She works closely with Peter Mustian, COO, and Principal, to spearhead the Mentorship Committee, which orchestrates all mentorship events at Innovest. Furthermore, she contributes to the Innovest Compliance Committee and is an active participant in the CRM Taskforce.

Drawing on her Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) designation, Christine leverages her expertise to educate the Marketing Team on Innovest's investment protocols and fiduciary obligations, enhancing their comprehension and proficiency in these areas.

Before joining Innovest, Christine amassed over 22 years of experience in the financial services sector. Her background includes roles at First Annuity & Insurance Marketing, where she specialized in annuity wholesaling, as well as serving as office manager and marketing director for a local financial planner at the Denver Federal Center.

Christine graduated summa cum laude from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Additionally, she excelled in pastry arts, graduating at the top of her class from the Culinary School of the Rockies. She honed her culinary skills as a pastry chef at esteemed establishments such as Frasca Food & Wine and The Kitchen.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Christine is a devoted mother to two sons—one serving as a United States Marine, while the other is involved in fine dining and social media marketing. In her leisure time, she indulges in reading, and yoga, and cherishes moments spent with her husband in their countryside abode.

The Christine Hudek Code, inspired by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative:

The easy road is not always the right road •  Never judge others, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about • Live passionately and with purpose • Like glitter, a good attitude makes everything better • Be kind when it is possible – it’s always possible • Feel the fear and do it anyway • No one has ever become poor by giving •We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do •The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary•Strive to be a blessing to someone each and every day•Life is short, love where you work•Tolerance only for those who agree with you is no tolerance at all.

(303) 694-1900 ext. 365
