Clifton Strengths Assessment

Nearly 19 million people have completed the Clifton Strengths assessment and Innovest employees are included. Upon hire, each Innovest employee takes the assessment designed to discover what they naturally do best, learn how to develop their greatest talents and use their customized assessment results to live their best life.

Innovest breaks down the results and uses this information to assign work projects and work teams to achieve an efficient and well-rounded end product. The strengths are routinely discussed with Innovest mentors and ways to work more within the strength skill set are identified. Further, strengths of employees are highly visible and posted outside everyone’s working area.

Fun Fact:

Innovest’s collective top four strengths are belief, responsibility, learner and achiever.

Strengths signs.JPGStrengths signs.JPG

Is Your Head Talking to Your Heart?


Innovest June Market Commentary